Did you know non-verbal communication takes up a huge part in our daily communication?

Research studies (Mehrabian & Wiener, 1967 ) shows that 55% of communication is body language, 38%  is the tone of voice and only 7% is the words which are actually spoken. 

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Shocking, right?

Non-verbal communication are wordless messages. You may not realize it, but we have been sending and receiving a lot of wordless messages all the time! For example: gestures, body languages or postures, facial expression and eye contact, object communication, symbols or info graphics and etc. 

All these actions are NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION.

Non-Verbal Communication = Communication without words

There are many types of nonverbal communication:

Body movements and posture

Body movements and posture, in other words: the way you sit, walk, stand, hold you head, etc. affect one's perception towards you. The way you move and carry yourself sends a lot of information to other people. Your posture, bearing, stance, and subtle movements, are all included in this category of non-verbal communication.

Source: https://imagemag.ru/img-ba_nonverbal-communication-comic-strip.html


Different gestures can bring out different information and meanings. One simple gesture can have different types of interpretation and meanings! Do you know that there are many different hand gestures from different cultures? 

Image result for different hand gestures around the world

Be careful with gestures at different countries! Now, we don't want to get ourselves in trouble, do we?

Click on this link to know more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MhJxPffkhY

Eye contact

Eye contact is a vital type of nonverbal communication, because visual sense is dominant for most of the people. A look at someone can send all sorts of information, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction. You will need eye contact to maintain the flow of conversation, and also to gauge the other person’s interest and response.

Source: http://themetapicture.com/the-teacher-poses-a-question/


We often transmit various of information through touch. However, do take note that you should look out for touching in intercultural interactions, as this may cause unnecessary cultural misunderstanding among each other.
Image result for non verbal touch


While talking to a person, you should have this in consideration: Is your position too near or too far from the person you’re talking to? Have you invaded his/her bubble of space? 
The need for space is different in terms of culture, situation and the closeness of the relationship. But anyhow, we all still need our physical space.
There are four type of space:
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Tone of Voice
Your pitch and timbre (distinctive tone) while talking, says a lot about you, as it shows your true feelings.
Source: https://www.mysocialagency.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Tone-of-Voice3-1.jpg
Even when using the same exact words, the meaning that it brings out can be totally different, depending on your tone of message.

Have you ever offend people, even when you don't mean to? It might be due to the usage of the wrong tone in your message!

You can learn how to get the right tone of voice, by clicking on this link: http://www.kgmbiz.com/how-to-get-the-right-tone-of-voice/


Oral communication is a mixture of verbal and non-verbal messages. It is best advised to pick up the non-verbal cues and signals that others send, in order to improve your ability in communication.

And remember, action speaks louder than words. So if your actions contradicts with your words,  people might choose to believe in your actions, instead of your words.
So say what you mean, mean what you say!



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